Fragen zur Schulung:
Frau Evelyn van Haastert/ Hotline:
+49 711 219 5093-0
Fachliche Kursfragen:
Herr Morris Görke
Technologie & Umsetzung

Training in Englisch:
NAC (network access control)
In this training the participants will learn about network access control, its standards and implementation.
All technical topics are discussed in detail, from the basics, through the 802.1x technology, to the creation of the secured network.
At the end of this NAC training course, the participants will have a good understanding and will be able to implement NAC in their company infrastructure reliably and independently
Introduction to this NAC (network access control) training
In this training course we not only discuss the theory of RADIUS, AAA and 802.1x but we will also do the things practically.
To make things more interesting and dynamic we will talk about various appliance and solutions. In this training, we will check the open source NAC solution PacketFence and understand how can NAC be implemented using this solution. Moreover, we would also talk about Macmon, which is another established NAC appliance. In the end, we will talk about Cisco identity service engine (ISE) and briefly check the necessary and basic configuration to see how NAC functionality can be achieved with this appliance.
This will not only enable you to expand our knowledge to multiple platform but also enable you to evaluate these solutions and choose what fits best in your network infrastructure.
Network access Control (NAC):
Network access control (NAC), solutions support network visibility and access management through policy enforcement on devices and users of corporate networks LAN. NAC is sometimes also called network admission control.
It is a method of implementation security by restricting the the availability of network resources to only those end device which comply the an organisation’s security policy. NAC in a nutshell is a server that performs authentication of the connecting users/ end device by verifying the their credentials. NAC can be implemented in numerous types of organisations e.g. from corporate to universities and schools, where there are thousand of users with various backgrounds and objectives. With organisations having wide variety of users and growing mobile devices accessing the network brings a lot of threat to the organisation’s network security.
Therefore it is critical to have tools that provide visibility, access control, and compliance capabilities that are required to strengthen your network security infrastructure.
Common security issues
802.1x and NAC technology
User Authentication
Advance terminologies and Protocols: EAP, MAB, RADIUS, AAA etc.
RADIUS and NAC configuration with various switch vendors namely Cisco and Huawei. • Practical implementation of NAC on
Overview of Macmon appliance and its features
NAC implementation on Cisco (ISE) with builtin NAC policies and customised policies.
Target group:
The participants already have a basic understanding of IT networks LAN & WAN.
Experienced participants benefit from the imparted depth of knowledge, participants with junior knowledge appreciate the clear explanation of the technical relationships.
All course participants will then receive a certificate of attendance.
Die Schwerpunkte im OPNsense LAB sind:
Parallel führen wir viele Übungen im LAB durch. Die Teilnehmer haben dabei die Möglichkeit, spezielle Anforderungen oder Fragen im LAB zu besprechen.
Prüfung der Regeln im Logfile
Auswirkungen des Firewall Session Cache Status
Mitsniffern von CARP und von IPv6-Router-Advertisements
Testen diverser OPNsense-Funktionen
Wireshark / tcpdump der aufkommenden Fragen.
Die Teilnehmer bringen idealerweise ihre eigenen Laptops mit und greifen auf die OPNsense-Laborumgebung zu. Sofern gewünscht, können die Teilnehmer ihre eigene virtuelle OPNsense-Umgebung nutzen.
Am Ende des Kurses kann jeder Teilnehmer maßgeblich zur IT-Sicherheit im Unternehmen beitragen und kann darauf zu Recht stolz sein.
Die Teilnehmer haben bereits ein Grundverständnis von IT-Netzwerken.
Erfahrene Teilnehmer profitieren von der vermittelten Wissentiefe, Teilnehmer mit Junior-Wissen schätzen die anschauliche Erklärung der technischen Zusammenhänge.
Alle Kursteilnehmer erhalten im Anschluß ein Teilnahmezertifikat.
The speakers: :
Mr. Sajawal Ghani is an IT security profession with CCNA, Cisco specialist and Fortinet certifications. His impressive skills in dealing with IT network and security issues, his in-depth knowledge of open source solutions and practical experience from various projects make him a perfect mediator of knowledge.
Among other things, Mr. Ghani is responsible for the manufacturer partnerships for Macmon and Cisco at iternas GmbH.
Mr. Morris Görke has been working as an IT network and security consultant for over 25 years. From countless projects in the enterprise environment, Mr. Görke is perfectly familiar with today's security challenges and solutions.
In addition to a deep understanding of NAC, Mr. Görke can compare this solution with other security products on the market.
His practical experience, his excellent specialist knowledge and his captivating manner guarantee that the seminar participants understand the technical relationships during the OPNsense training and can apply them in practice.
In addition to the "iternas academy" courses, Mr. Görke also works for other large training providers across Germany.
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